Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Various goings-on
- Ted Roseen (see the previous entry about his photography) will begin teaching at Vitality in St. Paul tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/29) at 4:15pm. Ted's class is a mix of Iyengar biomechanics, Ashtanga sequencing, and the flow of Vinyasa. The class tomorrow is free, so be sure to check it out.
- TaraNa's famous yoga happy hour is this Friday. This month's theme is Gin-and-Tonicasana. Remember to arrive early!
- Amy Patee is leading a really interesting workshop at the Yoga Center this Saturday focused on harnessing your prana (lifeforce.) Amy will lead the class through meditation, breath work, visualization, and asana to "elicit your personal power and strength."
- My good friend Catherine Johnson Justice is starting a new Family Yoga Class at TaraNa on Saturday, May 10. More details will follow, but mark your kids' calendars now.
- The Dharma Mittra workshop at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis is fast approaching (May 31 - June 1). Everyone I know who has studied with him raves about the experience. Who wouldn't want to learn "the best and most effective methods of Yoga"?!
- Yoga Center of Minneapolis is having an open house at their St. Louis Park studio on May 2. There will be yoga mini-classes, free henna tattoos and tarot card readings, as well as consultations to help you or your friend find the right yoga class.
- The new Edina CorePower, complete with 6,200 sq feet of studio, spa, and retail space is scheduled to open on May 16.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Photos from India
Ted Roseen is a local yoga teacher and artist/photographer. But really he is special soul that has a lot to teach us all about the beauty of the human spirit and really following your bliss. This fall Ted traveled to India to continue his annual tradition of visiting the remote corners of the globe (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Laos, Peru) to capture in his viewfinder the beauty of people and the lives they lead. His trip to India was extra special in that he combined his photography pursuits with an intense two months practicing the Primary Series with the creators of modern Ashtanga yoga, the Jois family. (Apparently a lot of Advil was required to cope with the pain!)
Ted is displaying his India photos this weekend as a part of the St. Paul Art Crawl. I saw the photos last night and they are beautiful and moving. I strongly encourage you to check out Ted’s amazing work, buy one for your wall, and meet this extra-special yogi. Namaste.
300 Broadway Street #403, St. Paul
Friday: 6-10pm, Saturday: 2-10pm, Sunday: 12-5pm
Thursday, April 24, 2008
And the winner is...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Yoga happy hours
1st Friday of every month
- TaraNa: 6:00pm (but arrive by 5:30 to get a mat spot) - 90-minute Vinyasa class followed by socializing and libations. These classes are taught by Jessie and Jeffery, both great teachers and fun people.
- Yoga Studio of Plymouth: 5:30-7:30pm - each month is focused on a theme. May is about partner stretching and June has a chakra focus.
- Yoga Center of Minneapolis - downtown studio: 5:45-6:45pm- a fun Vinyasa class for all levels. "Celebration Yoga" features upbeat music and tasty treats and beverages after class.
- Yoga Center of Minneapolis - Saint Louis Park studio: 6:30-7:45pm- an all levels yoga class taught by one of my favorite teachers in town, Ryan Kelly. The class features soft lighting and music to slip you into a deep sense of peace and relaxation.
- Yoga House: 4:30-6:00pm- Sydney Holly (another fav teacher of mine) leads the class through a vigorous 90 minutes of Vinyasa practice. This class will make you sweat but you'll feel great by the end.
- One Yoga: 5:30-6:50pm - in this class you will stretch you spine and unwind your mind with friends, tunes, and flow. This Vinyasa class is deeply rooted in the traditions of Ashtanga Yoga.
- CorePower - 8:00-9:00pm - Uptown studio: move through a gentler, all levels Vinyasa flow class with great music and the glow of candlelight.
Remember to register: Amy Ippoliti (Anusara)
Yoga playlists
- Shiva Rea (Yoga Trance Dance)
- David Life (Jivamukti Yoga)
- Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (some serious Kundalini action)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
The power of meditation
According to Ricard, scientific studies have shown that human beings each have a baseline of happiness that they come back to throughout their lives, despite the external circumstances. One example is the fact that for people above the poverty line, studies have shown that more money actually does NOT buy more happiness. In another study, this time of paraplegics, levels of happiness one year after their accidents were actually the same as pre-injury levels even through right after their accidents many had suicidal thoughts. The pursuit of genuine happiness is therefore achieved not by changing external circumstances (bigger house, nicer car, better job, better spouse), but by training the mind to perceive those circumstances differently and ultimately raising the happiness baseline that we all come back to. Ricard shared a number of scientific studies that show that utilization of mindfulness meditation techniques (as practiced by Buddhist monks in
After hearing this powerful message and the seeing all the fancy graphs and MRI scans Ricard brought to prove it, I am recommending that we all read his book Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill, and we start a serious meditation practice. There are a wealth of resources in Twin Cities to get you started. I listed a few below but I am not endorsing any, just giving us all a place to start. Let me know where you learned to meditate. I would love to include it here.
And here are some other resources I found online:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Back to it
(1) Easy pose / meditation with index and thumb touching (Jnana Mudra) and palms facing down to calm the mind – 5 minutes
(2) Cat / cow pose (Marjaryasana / Bitilasana)
(3) Extended puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)
(4) Staff pose (Dandasana)
(5) Head to knee forward bend (Janu Sirsasana) - right and left side
(6) Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
(7) Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasana)
(8) Camel pose (Ustrasana)
(9) Child’s pose with arms extended forward (Balasana)
(10) Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)
(11) Half pigeon pose (Ardha Kapotasana) – right and left side
(12) Supine twists – right and left side
(13) Corpse pose (Savasana) – restorative version with bolster, blankets, and eye pillow – 20 minutes
(14) Easy pose with salutation seal / hands at heart center (Anjali Mudra)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Yoga Happy Hour at TaraNa
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Neti those allergies away
Old school yogis used a neti pot for daily general hygiene and to balance their kapha dosha. Western medicine has begun to see the wisdom in this practice and now ENT docs and allergists recommend them to their patients. A neti pot even made an appearance on the Oprah show!
Neti pots literally clean out your sinuses. It is a mechanical solution that in many cases is more effective than medication. By pouring water through your nasal passages, you clean out allergens and mucus. Here's how they work:
Once you've filled your pot with slightly salted water, you tip your head to the side, remember to breath through your mouth, and pour the neti pot into your nostril. Repeat on the other side and then blow your nose. At first it feels like you just jumped into a pool without holding your breath, but after a while it is as easy as brushing your teeth. Neti pots are available online, at many yoga studios, and carried by many local co-ops and natural food stores.