Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Burma Benefit



Saturday May 31 5-9pm

$10 Yoga Classes 5pm 6pm 7pm and 8pm

1/2 price massage & acupuncture (please make appointment in advance)

Group meditation & chanting Yoga Center of Minneapolis

Contact Brett Reierson 612-968-0143 or

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yeah for the Minneapolis Public Schools!!!


Metro schools add 'Yoga Calm' to curriculum

There is a new sense of calm at more than 30 schools in Minneapolis, after local teachers have added yoga into their curriculum.

Stretching and breathing is woven between reading and writing at schools like Jefferson Elementary.

Fourth grade teacher Susan Saly leads her students through relaxing exercises every day at 10 a.m., right after the Pledge of Allegiance.

"It really gets them centered and ready to learn, ready to listen to each other and listen to me," Saly said.

She is one of more than 400 educators in the district using Yoga Calm in her classroom. She said her teaching pace has picked up because students are paying closer attention.

"The children have a way to become still. It’s instantaneous and simple and with that breathing and being able to come to stillness, they're able to sit and listen," Saly explained.

Yoga instructors Julie Hurtubise and Katy Flaminio worked for the Minneapolis School District and both have taken a year sabbatical to research the benefits of Yoga Calm and have found great things.

"Off-task behavior has decreased greatly, children are more calm and able to listen and handle stress better," said Hurtubise.

Students told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS they love it.

"It's relaxing and it helps me when I’m mad," said fourth grader, Khadija Mohamed. "Sometimes I’m a little too energized and yoga helps calm me down."

Hurtubise and Flaminio said their goal is to incorporate Yoga Calm into every classroom in Minneapolis.

Click here to see the video of students doing their downward facing dogs. Yeah for Minneapolis. This is great!!

Yoga Pant Round-Up

A selection of oh-so-fab yoga pants. Most of these can be found at local studios, but more colors and sizes are available online. Happy shopping.(1) Classic Be Present Mobility Pant (my personal fav!), (2) Be Present Versatility Pant (the side vents snap closed), (3) Stonewear Designs Meridian Pant, (4) Foat Slit-Back Pant (great local company), (5) Prana Gaucho Capri, (6) Karma Base Pant, (7) Lucy Grace Crop, (8) Athleta Chaturanga Pant (I am buying these)

Hint: the cage is not locked

I was recently thumbing through a great yoga book, Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates, when I came across a quote that really resonated for me. This quote reminded me that so much of what we want in our lives is attainable... we just stop ourselves from claiming it. We put up boundaries, we forget to dream, we operate out of fear and a sense of lack. But as the quote says:
"Hint: the cage is not locked."
In other words, no one is stopping us but ourselves.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Various goings-on

A few announcements about upcoming new/free/fun yoga classes that have graced my email box recently:
  • Ted Roseen (see the previous entry about his photography) will begin teaching at Vitality in St. Paul tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/29) at 4:15pm. Ted's class is a mix of Iyengar biomechanics, Ashtanga sequencing, and the flow of Vinyasa. The class tomorrow is free, so be sure to check it out.
  • TaraNa's famous yoga happy hour is this Friday. This month's theme is Gin-and-Tonicasana. Remember to arrive early!
  • Amy Patee is leading a really interesting workshop at the Yoga Center this Saturday focused on harnessing your prana (lifeforce.) Amy will lead the class through meditation, breath work, visualization, and asana to "elicit your personal power and strength."
  • My good friend Catherine Johnson Justice is starting a new Family Yoga Class at TaraNa on Saturday, May 10. More details will follow, but mark your kids' calendars now.
  • The Dharma Mittra workshop at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis is fast approaching (May 31 - June 1). Everyone I know who has studied with him raves about the experience. Who wouldn't want to learn "the best and most effective methods of Yoga"?!
  • Yoga Center of Minneapolis is having an open house at their St. Louis Park studio on May 2. There will be yoga mini-classes, free henna tattoos and tarot card readings, as well as consultations to help you or your friend find the right yoga class.
  • The new Edina CorePower, complete with 6,200 sq feet of studio, spa, and retail space is scheduled to open on May 16.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Photos from India

Ted Roseen is a local yoga teacher and artist/photographer. But really he is special soul that has a lot to teach us all about the beauty of the human spirit and really following your bliss. This fall Ted traveled to India to continue his annual tradition of visiting the remote corners of the globe (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Laos, Peru) to capture in his viewfinder the beauty of people and the lives they lead. His trip to India was extra special in that he combined his photography pursuits with an intense two months practicing the Primary Series with the creators of modern Ashtanga yoga, the Jois family. (Apparently a lot of Advil was required to cope with the pain!)

Ted is displaying his India photos this weekend as a part of the St. Paul Art Crawl. I saw the photos last night and they are beautiful and moving. I strongly encourage you to check out Ted’s amazing work, buy one for your wall, and meet this extra-special yogi. Namaste.

Ted Roseen - One Among Many: Photos From India
300 Broadway Street #403, St. Paul
Friday: 6-10pm, Saturday: 2-10pm, Sunday: 12-5pm

Thursday, April 24, 2008

And the winner is...

City Pages annual BEST OF issue came out yesterday, and the St. Paul Yoga Center was named "best yoga." It isn't technically in Minneapolis or 612, but I have to give props where props are due. I like that City Pages gave the studio kudos for being a welcoming environment for all types to genuinely deepen their yoga practice. The St. Paul Yoga Center offers a variety of class types (Iyengar, pre-natal, Vinyasa, yoga philosophy, pranayama, etc.) and hosts many interesting workshops. I encourage you to check it out... the first class is free.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yoga happy hours

There is nothing like a great Friday afternoon yoga class to end the work week and ease into your weekend. Mark your calendars - here are a few options around town:

1st Friday of every month
  • TaraNa: 6:00pm (but arrive by 5:30 to get a mat spot) - 90-minute Vinyasa class followed by socializing and libations. These classes are taught by Jessie and Jeffery, both great teachers and fun people.
2nd Friday of every month
  • Yoga Studio of Plymouth: 5:30-7:30pm - each month is focused on a theme. May is about partner stretching and June has a chakra focus.
Every Friday
  • Yoga Center of Minneapolis - downtown studio: 5:45-6:45pm- a fun Vinyasa class for all levels. "Celebration Yoga" features upbeat music and tasty treats and beverages after class.
  • Yoga Center of Minneapolis - Saint Louis Park studio: 6:30-7:45pm- an all levels yoga class taught by one of my favorite teachers in town, Ryan Kelly. The class features soft lighting and music to slip you into a deep sense of peace and relaxation.
  • Yoga House: 4:30-6:00pm- Sydney Holly (another fav teacher of mine) leads the class through a vigorous 90 minutes of Vinyasa practice. This class will make you sweat but you'll feel great by the end.
  • One Yoga: 5:30-6:50pm - in this class you will stretch you spine and unwind your mind with friends, tunes, and flow. This Vinyasa class is deeply rooted in the traditions of Ashtanga Yoga.
  • CorePower - 8:00-9:00pm - Uptown studio: move through a gentler, all levels Vinyasa flow class with great music and the glow of candlelight.

Remember to register: Amy Ippoliti (Anusara)

REMINDER: April 25-27- Begin with Intention Yoga / Clouds in Water Zen Center
Amy Ippoliti
: is a certified Anusara Yoga teacher who has traveled extensively with Anusara founder, John Friend, apprenticing with him on his national tours. She has also studied closely with Tantric scholar, Dr. Douglas Brooks. She leads Anusara Yoga retreats, immersions, workshops, and teacher trainings internationally. According to the website, she is known for her radically affirming teaching style and dynamism, offering her life experience with the potent Universal Principles of Alignment, elegant tantric yoga philosophy, and therapeutics that embody Anusara Yoga.

Yoga playlists

Every month Yoga Journal asks a prominent yoga teacher to share their favorite music for practicing yoga and publishes it in the back of the magazine. I just discovered that these playlists are also posted on the web, making it oh so easy to link right into ITunes or OMstream to purchase the recommended tunes. Here are a few playlists that looked really good:

Monday, April 21, 2008

The power of meditation

Last week a friend and I attended a wonderful lecture at the University of Minnesota by Matthieu Ricard, a French born Buddhist monk, scientist, author, and the Dali Lama’s French translator. Ricard’s talk focused on his latest research and book about achieving genuine happiness. It is Ricard’s contention that happiness is not related to external circumstances; rather it is a product of our minds and perceptions. Therefore, to cultivate and improve our state of happiness we can utilize deliberate mind training techniques such as mindfulness meditation. And he has the brain scans and scientific research to prove it works!

According to Ricard, scientific studies have shown that human beings each have a baseline of happiness that they come back to throughout their lives, despite the external circumstances. One example is the fact that for people above the poverty line, studies have shown that more money actually does NOT buy more happiness. In another study, this time of paraplegics, levels of happiness one year after their accidents were actually the same as pre-injury levels even through right after their accidents many had suicidal thoughts. The pursuit of genuine happiness is therefore achieved not by changing external circumstances (bigger house, nicer car, better job, better spouse), but by training the mind to perceive those circumstances differently and ultimately raising the happiness baseline that we all come back to. Ricard shared a number of scientific studies that show that utilization of mindfulness meditation techniques (as practiced by Buddhist monks in Tibet) can actually shift our happiness baseline. This focused type of meditation can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, promote body healing, and ultimately raise our overall happiness levels. The trick is that you must “practice” these mind training techniques in a sustained fashion --- like learning to play the piano.

After hearing this powerful message and the seeing all the fancy graphs and MRI scans Ricard brought to prove it, I am recommending that we all read his book Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill, and we start a serious meditation practice. There are a wealth of resources in Twin Cities to get you started. I listed a few below but I am not endorsing any, just giving us all a place to start. Let me know where you learned to meditate. I would love to include it here.

Common Ground Meditation Center (3400 East 26th Street, Minneapolis): an independent center founded on the teachings of the Buddha and dedicated to the practice of mindfulness. This center follows in the spirit of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California. The center is hosting an introduction to mindfulness meditation on May 4 as well as many other ongoing programs.

Shambhala Center of Minneapolis (2931 Grand Street NE, Minneapolis): part of an international community of 165 meditation centers founded by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation master. Shambhala Buddhism incorporates the teachings of the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, with the Shambhala vision of living an uplifted life, fully engaged with the world. The center welcomes newcomers every Monday night in addition to their regular services and programming.

Yoga Center of Minnesota (Saint Louis Park and DT Minneapolis): Tara Cindy Sherman and Tanya Boigenzahn each offer meditation classes through the Yoga Center. These classes will touch on the benefits of meditation, a variety of techniques to help calm the mind, instruction on how to breathe properly and help relax the nervous system, and discussion of how to integrate a meditation practice into your life.

And here are some other resources I found online:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Back to it

The past few weeks for me have been really stressful (job issues, house drama, etc.) and I have lost my yoga way. I know that these are the times that yoga can be most helpful, but instead I have retreated to repeats of Law and Order, avoided my yoga mat, and totally disengaged from my spirit. (And that by the way, is why I have not been blogging – felt a bit disingenuous.) So I am using this blog entry as a public declaration that I will return to my path…because it sure feels crappy when I leave. Included below is a little anti-anxiety / heart opening asana sequence I’ve designed for myself in order to reconnect with my spirit and get me back into the world. Join me.

(1) Easy pose / meditation with index and thumb touching (Jnana Mudra) and palms facing down to calm the mind – 5 minutes

(2) Cat / cow pose (Marjaryasana / Bitilasana)

(3) Extended puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)

(4) Staff pose (Dandasana)

(5) Head to knee forward bend (Janu Sirsasana) - right and left side

(6) Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

(7) Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasana)

(8) Camel pose (Ustrasana)

(9) Child’s pose with arms extended forward (Balasana)

(10) Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)

(11) Half pigeon pose (Ardha Kapotasana) – right and left side

(12) Supine twists – right and left side

(13) Corpse pose (Savasana) – restorative version with bolster, blankets, and eye pillow – 20 minutes

(14) Easy pose with salutation seal / hands at heart center (Anjali Mudra)


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yoga Happy Hour at TaraNa

Want to start your weekend off right? Join 40+ other yogi(ni)s this Friday at 6pm at local studio TaraNa in Minneapolis' Kingfield neighborhood for Yoga Happy Hour. This monthly event is the owners' way to create community and give something back to their students. Plus, it sounds like a blast! You hit your mat for a 90 minute vinyasa practice and then wine is opened and you can mingle with your fellow yogi(ni)s. I haven't been yet, but apparently it is "the" place to be. Back in January, the Southwest Journal did an article about this event, so you have to arrive early to secure a mat spot. This is just another reason I think that TaraNa is a really cool place.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Neti those allergies away

Around my workplace cold season is still in full swing. And if this ridiculous April snow ever melts, allergies are about to make an appearance. That means lot of stuffy noses and sinus headaches. The science of Ayurveda has an answer…the neti pot!

Old school yogis used a neti pot for daily general hygiene and to balance their kapha dosha. Western medicine has begun to see the wisdom in this practice and now ENT docs and allergists recommend them to their patients. A neti pot even made an appearance on the Oprah show!

Neti pots literally clean out your sinuses. It is a mechanical solution that in many cases is more effective than medication. By pouring water through your nasal passages, you clean out allergens and mucus. Here's how they work:

Once you've filled your pot with slightly salted water, you tip your head to the side, remember to breath through your mouth, and pour the neti pot into your nostril. Repeat on the other side and then blow your nose. At first it feels like you just jumped into a pool without holding your breath, but after a while it is as easy as brushing your teeth. Neti pots are available online, at many yoga studios, and carried by many local co-ops and natural food stores.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Some more (belated) yoga humor

Namaste Peeps
honoring the peep in all things

(thanks Catherine)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring schedules

A number of studios in town have posted new schedules for Spring on their websites. Here they are in one place. Happy yogaing:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Holy S%#t!!!

I have wanted to do a headstand for soooo long. I just haven't been able to get up. I've taken private yoga lessons to learn. I've studied the instructions in numerous yoga manuals. I've gone to the chiropractor several times after trying at home. I've listed my desire to stand on my head as my status on Facebook for goodness sake. But is just wasn't happening for me. Until last night!
The time was approximately 7pm. I was in Ryan Kelly's vinyasa class at the Yoga Center. She had us go to the wall and try an inversion of our choice. I asked for her help kicking up into handstand. I made one pathetic attempt at it and then told her, "nevermind... I am too scared." She asked me to set up headstand instead: forearms on the mat, hips high, walk in. And then somehow it all just clicked. Without her help, my legs went up and I was on my head. And it was easy. I exclaimed: "HOLY SH-T!" Everyone laughed. It was a joyous moment. I am so happy. It is a huge deal. Yeah for me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kickin it old school

Sri Tirumala Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) is considered the grandfather of modern yoga. His students include many of today’s most influential teachers: Sri BKS Iyengar, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the late Indra Devi and Krishnamacharya’s own sons T.K.V. Desikachar and T.K. Sribhashyam. Krishnamacharya “believed Yoga to be India’s greatest gift to the world.” It is said that his greatest strength was the ability to take “the ancient teaching of Yoga and Indian philosophy” and combine them within a modern day framework. By doing this he was able to revive the practice of yoga in a manner that is as “accurate and powerful” as it is “practical and relevant”.

Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, we are now able to see Krishnamacharya in action. It really is amazing to see all the accoutrements of modern day yoga stripped away (no fancy mats, no aesthetically pleasing studio, no cute outfits unless you are into loin cloths). You can see the asanas and pranayama techniques in their purest form. Watching this video really says something about how far we’ve come. We either need to give some serious props to the marketing skills of guys like Iyengar and Jois who brought Yoga to the West, or acknowledge that there really is a growing consciousness in the world. I like to think it is the latter! Take a few minutes today to check out where all this Yoga stuff came from. Namaste.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Remember to sign up: Judith Lasater

REMINDER: April 5-6, 2008 - Yoga Center of Minneapolis
Judith Hanson Lasater: teaches yoga and trains yoga teachers in kinesiology, yoga therapeutics, and the Yoga Sutra in the San Francisco Bay Area. She holds a doctorate in East-West psychology and is a physical therapist. She was originally trained by B.K.S Iyengar (meaning she has a super technical practice) and is THE source for Restorative Yoga. On April 5 she will be conducting a teacher training focused on the Sacroiliac Joint (bottom of the spine) and on April 6 she will hold a Living Your Yoga Workshop which will include some of her restorative work. This is not to be missed!

Open House this Friday

The Yoga Center of Minneapolis is hosting an open house this Friday at its downtown Minneapolis location. The evening will include free sample classes, consultations to help you find the right class, Thai Yoga Bodywork mini-sessions, and a raffle to win class passes, yoga mats, private lessons, and more. This is a great way to learn about all that the Yoga Center has to offer. It is also a wonderful opportunity to introduce family and friends to the world of yoga.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Spring is a great time to detoxify and start anew. Here are some resources to get you started:

  • On April 19, local yoga instructor Amy Patee is offering a workshop on yoga breath and cleansing. Join Amy at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis to learn the most potent ways to cleanse the body and maintain optimal health. Amy is extremely knowledgeable about the technical and spiritual aspects of yoga, so this promises to be a great session.
  • Acupuncturist Jennifer Johnson and yoga instructor Jennifer Gray are hosting a 5 day spring detox program, March 31 - April 4, at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis (SLP studio). Participants will reap the benefits of yoga, Chinese medicine, herbs, and whole foods to to help cleanse the body, mind and soul.
  • On May 10, Betsy Ricker will be offering a class at the Minneapolis Yoga Workshop focused on yoga and Ayruveda for spring detoxification. Using the principles of Ayruveda, the workshop will explore various springtime rejuvenation practices, yoga postures, and herbs and food as medicine.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It is Spring!!!!

Words cannot describe how happy I am to say that it is Spring. Sure, it is supposed to snow again this weekend, but this particular Spring has been a long time coming. I am already starting to dream about my garden, flip flops, and Be Present yoga pants as my daily uniform. Yippee! Welcome to you Spring. We're glad to have you.

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
- Doug Larson

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Great props - Hugger Mugger

I'm not afraid to say it: local yoga studio, TarNa, has great props. They are all made by Hugger Mugger and are by far the nicest props I've encountered. All are available online.

Use these sandbags on your thighs or across your shoulders to deepen Supta Baddha Konasana.

Hugger Mugger bolsters are a really nice shape. They are rounded on the sides, but flat on the top and bottom. And they are perfectly firm. These are great for a variety of restorative poses or under your knees during corpse pose.

These cork blocks are awesome. They are really sturdy, but not too heavy. And the cork texture feels really nice in your hands. You will definitely master half moon with the help of these blocks.

Awesome! The Universe!

A friend recently turned me on to an awesome new Google application - Google Sky. Just like with Google Earth, you get an aerial view... but this time of the UNIVERSE! You can see all kinds of star formations from the Hubble telescope, check out where people have walked on the moon, look at the surface of Mars, and get a feel for the "bigger scheme of things". It is pretty freakin' amazing. Wow!

What it's all about...

I wrote the following post about a year ago on my MySpace page and found it interesting to revisit today. Matthew Sanford is a Minnesota resident who founded the yoga studio and nonprofit, Mind-Body Solutions. Hearing him speak last spring was truly the moment that all of this yoga stuff came together for me. He helped me "get it."
May 31, 2007

As I grow older and more cynical, it gets harder and harder to impress me. Despite this attitude I've developed, I have to say that I was recently blown away by a certain individual: Matthew Sanford. Mr. Sanford was the keynote speaker at the yoga conference I recently attended. I went to his session just to fill some time during a three hour lull in the programming. I left with goose bumps a new appreciation for life, yoga, and the power of the human spirit.

Mr. Sanford, who happens to be from Minnesota, was thirteen when he was in a tragic car accident in Iowa. His sister and father were killed in the crash and he woke to find himself paralyzed from the chest down. He spent the next dozen years learning to cope with his disability and to essentially forget the rest of his body. The traditional medical establishment told him that his body was dead --- the only reason he should keep his body intact (and not amputate his now "useless" legs) was to provide balance when he sat in a wheel chair. Quite a load to bear, wouldn't you say?

At some point in his early twenties, Mr. Sanford attended a yoga class. Seems silly right? How can someone do yoga postures (asanas) with just their head, neck, and arms? It doesn't work that way. But his partnership with an open-minded and dedicated yoga teacher allowed him to develop a powerful practice. He is now a yoga teacher himself at the Courage Center.

What do we learn from his story? For one, we learn to challenge the status quo. We learn to recreate what is possible. We learn tenacity. We learn hope.

But even bigger than all of that, we learn about the power of the life force that is in all of us and binds us all together. All of our bodies are limited in some way. We practice yoga postures (and the rest of what yoga means) to open up and align our bodies, minds, and spirits so that the energy can flow and we can be present. Sure, Mr. Sanford got a raw deal when it comes to his earthly body. But his life force is still there and yoga opened up the possibility for it to flow again. That is powerful. Mr. Sanford's story finally brought together for me what this journey I'm on is all about.

You ought to check out his book, Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence. It is definitely on my summer reading list. Peace.


Monday, March 17, 2008


In the Iyengar yoga tradition, props, including wall ropes, are used to enhance and intensify asana practice. It is said that the use of wall ropes opens up the body and helps balance one’s energy. I have not personally tried wall ropes before, but admit to being curious. The Minneapolis Yoga Workshop, an Iyengar studio in southeast Minneapolis, is offering a workshop on May 17 to teach us how these mysterious ropes work. The workshop will explore a variety of techniques in the use of wall ropes. They ask that you have at least six months experience in Iyengar yoga, but I am sure that anyone with a somewhat developed yoga practice could give it shot. I may just see you there.

Morcheeba is coming!

Morcheeba is a total go-to band for me. Their down tempo yet funky music is perfect for a dinner party soundtrack and they can always be counted on for a chill vibe when practicing yoga at home. I don't have their new album yet, but am excited to see them on April 2 at First Avenue. Check it out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Unique Opportunity (annual Ruth Stricker Lecture)

The Center for Spirituality and Healing is an exciting part of the University of Minnesota’s Academic Health Center (med school, nursing, physical therapy, etc.). It is their mission to draw on the diverse expertise of University faculty and community practitioners to integrate complementary and alternative healing practices into traditional health care. They conduct academic research, train individuals in alternative healing modalities like Reiki, yoga, and Chinese medicine, and advocate for integrative services in the health care industry. Each year they host a major lecture on the mind-body connection that is open to the public. This year’s lecture is really exciting.

Matthieu Ricard, a French born Tibetan Buddhist monk, scientist, and author who happens to be the Dali Lama’s French translator is coming to the Mayo Auditorium at the U to talk about happiness. According to the promotional materials, Ricard will draw on fiction and poetry, contemporary western philosophy, Buddhist thought, current psychological and scientific research, as well as personal experience, to weave an inspirational and forward looking account of how we can begin to rethink our realities in a fast-moving modern world. Call now to reserve your spot.

Annual Ruth Stricker Lecture April 18, 3:00 pm
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: Cultivating Inner Conditions for Genuine Happiness with Matthieu Ricard
Call 612-624-9459 to register

Necklaces (they're pretty)

I am a sucker for a cute necklace. Here's a roundup of some pretty yoga-inspired ones for you to check out. All are made by independent designers and available on Etsy.

(1) Mama Om hand-hammered pendant by panicmama

(2) Makamoe - Oxidized Thai Karen silver lotus charm necklace by KahiliCreations

(3) Namaste by plainvanilla

(5) Gold Ohm by murmur

Monday, March 10, 2008

Come On Spring!

Vernal Equinox is March 20! The days are lengthening! The sun is getting warmer! The snow will finally melt! Here’s some ways to celebrate:

Equinox Chant, Drum, & Dance
March 15, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, ONE Yoga, $20
Two hours of chanting, drumming and dancing to celebrate the Equinox. All ages and levels of experience welcome. Handouts provided.

March Towards Equinox
March 15, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, $45, Good Life Yoga
Enjoy this windy, wild time of year at a workshop offering balance poses, hip openers, and twists.

Spring Equinox Restorative
March 22, 3:30 – 5:30 pm, Yoga Center of Minneapolis – Downtown, $30
Transition from winter into the freshness and new budding of springtime. The practice will be a combination of yin poses (deep stretches focused on releasing the connective tissue and joints), restorative poses supported with props, and pranayama (breath exercise).

Equinox Celebration: 108 Sun Salutations (yoga mala)

March 22, 1:00 – 2:15 pm, ONE Yoga, $17
The group will complete 108 sun salutations to honor the sacred cycles of the seasons. It is said that 108 salutes creates a deeply meditative state of being and a connection to the peace of the present moment. Be sure to pre-register.