Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring schedules
- Yoga Center of Minneapolis - Downtown
- Yoga Center of Minneapolis - St. Louis Park
- Yoga House
- One Yoga
- Art of Yoga (Catherine Johnson Justice)
- CorePower Yoga - new Edina location
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Holy S%#t!!!
The time was approximately 7pm. I was in Ryan Kelly's vinyasa class at the Yoga Center. She had us go to the wall and try an inversion of our choice. I asked for her help kicking up into handstand. I made one pathetic attempt at it and then told her, "nevermind... I am too scared." She asked me to set up headstand instead: forearms on the mat, hips high, walk in. And then somehow it all just clicked. Without her help, my legs went up and I was on my head. And it was easy. I exclaimed: "HOLY SH-T!" Everyone laughed. It was a joyous moment. I am so happy. It is a huge deal. Yeah for me.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Kickin it old school
Sri Tirumala Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) is considered the grandfather of modern yoga. His students include many of today’s most influential teachers: Sri BKS Iyengar, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the late Indra Devi and Krishnamacharya’s own sons T.K.V. Desikachar and T.K. Sribhashyam. Krishnamacharya “believed Yoga to be
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Remember to sign up: Judith Lasater
Open House this Friday
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring is a great time to detoxify and start anew. Here are some resources to get you started:
- The Yoga Journal recently published a great article on Ayurvedic prescriptions for springtime health. The article will guide you through appropriate herbs, asanas, pranayama (breath work), and diet choices to help you cleanse all the toxins that were built up over the winter.
- On April 19, local yoga instructor Amy Patee is offering a workshop on yoga breath and cleansing. Join Amy at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis to learn the most potent ways to cleanse the body and maintain optimal health. Amy is extremely knowledgeable about the technical and spiritual aspects of yoga, so this promises to be a great session.
- Acupuncturist Jennifer Johnson and yoga instructor Jennifer Gray are hosting a 5 day spring detox program, March 31 - April 4, at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis (SLP studio). Participants will reap the benefits of yoga, Chinese medicine, herbs, and whole foods to to help cleanse the body, mind and soul.
- On May 10, Betsy Ricker will be offering a class at the Minneapolis Yoga Workshop focused on yoga and Ayruveda for spring detoxification. Using the principles of Ayruveda, the workshop will explore various springtime rejuvenation practices, yoga postures, and herbs and food as medicine.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It is Spring!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Great props - Hugger Mugger
Awesome! The Universe!

What it's all about...
May 31, 2007
As I grow older and more cynical, it gets harder and harder to impress me. Despite this attitude I've developed, I have to say that I was recently blown away by a certain individual: Matthew Sanford. Mr. Sanford was the keynote speaker at the yoga conference I recently attended. I went to his session just to fill some time during a three hour lull in the programming. I left with goose bumps a new appreciation for life, yoga, and the power of the human spirit.
Mr. Sanford, who happens to be from
At some point in his early twenties, Mr. Sanford attended a yoga class. Seems silly right? How can someone do yoga postures (asanas) with just their head, neck, and arms? It doesn't work that way. But his partnership with an open-minded and dedicated yoga teacher allowed him to develop a powerful practice. He is now a yoga teacher himself at the
What do we learn from his story? For one, we learn to challenge the status quo. We learn to recreate what is possible. We learn tenacity. We learn hope.
But even bigger than all of that, we learn about the power of the life force that is in all of us and binds us all together. All of our bodies are limited in some way. We practice yoga postures (and the rest of what yoga means) to open up and align our bodies, minds, and spirits so that the energy can flow and we can be present. Sure, Mr. Sanford got a raw deal when it comes to his earthly body. But his life force is still there and yoga opened up the possibility for it to flow again. That is powerful. Mr. Sanford's story finally brought together for me what this journey I'm on is all about.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Morcheeba is coming!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Unique Opportunity (annual Ruth Stricker Lecture)
Annual Ruth Stricker Lecture April 18, 3:00 pm
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: Cultivating Inner Conditions for Genuine Happiness with Matthieu Ricard
Call 612-624-9459 to register
Necklaces (they're pretty)
(1) Mama Om hand-hammered pendant by panicmama
(2) Makamoe - Oxidized Thai Karen silver lotus charm necklace by KahiliCreations
Monday, March 10, 2008
Come On Spring!
March 15, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, ONE Yoga, $20
Two hours of chanting, drumming and dancing to celebrate the Equinox. All ages and levels of experience welcome. Handouts provided.
March 15, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, $45, Good Life Yoga
Enjoy this windy, wild time of year at a workshop offering balance poses, hip openers, and twists.
Spring Equinox Restorative
March 22, 3:30 – 5:30 pm,
Transition from winter into the freshness and new budding of springtime. The practice will be a combination of yin poses (deep stretches focused on releasing the connective tissue and joints), restorative poses supported with props, and pranayama (breath exercise).
Equinox Celebration: 108 Sun Salutations (yoga mala)
March 22, 1:00 – 2:15 pm, ONE Yoga, $17
The group will complete 108 sun salutations to honor the sacred cycles of the seasons. It is said that 108 salutes creates a deeply meditative state of being and a connection to the peace of the present moment. Be sure to pre-register.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Good times - roller derby!
Every month or so, thousands of people (hipsters, kids, average Minnesotans), gather together at Roy Wilkins Auditorium to cheer on some bad-ass ladies in fishnet stockings, glitter helmets, and rollerskates. These ladies are true athletes. And there is a full bar and polka during half time. What else do you want from your Saturday night?! We are totally sitting track-side! See you there.
Saturday, March 8
6:30pm doors, 7:30pm bout
Atomic Bombshells vs. Dagger Dolls & Garda Belts vs. Rockits
Featuring half-time entertainment by Dance Band. Pre-show by the Irish dance group Rince Na Chroi.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
March 9: Root Chakra - Get Grounded
TBD: Sacral Chakra - The Pleasure Center
September: Solar Plexus Chakra - Inner Power, Outer Strength
TBD: Heart Chakra - Spread the Love
TBD: Throat Chakra - Speak Your Truth
January: Brow Chakra - Spark Your Intuition
February: Crown Chakra - Get Connected
Fighting the “Shepna Syndrome”
As I walk this path, I struggle daily with the negative chatter in my head telling me I’m not good enough or that those around me aren’t either. But these negative thoughts and words are my way of blocking myself from reaching something deeper. They are what Pema Chodron, an ordained Buddhist nun in the Tibetan vajrayana tradition, calls my “shepnas.” They are my bad habits, my addictions that I do to over and over again for some type of short term relief. It is Chodron’s contention that first and foremost we must recognize our own shepnas. It is only when we SEE these attachments and feel how they are limiting out potential that we can choose to refrain from going there, relax into our true selves again, and resolve to keep working at it. I think there are some great lessons here about the practice of asana, meditation, and life in general. Take 15 minutes today to read Chodron's talk on this topic: The Shepna Syndrome - Learning to Stay ( Berkeley Shambhala Center, September 2002). Namaste.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Yoga Mats
Hugger Mugger Cotton Yoga Mat: a great choice for restorative yoga.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Yoga and weight loss
We can all relate. It has been a cold dark winter and it is just oh so tempting to get home from work, put on your PJ’s (yes- cute yoga sweatpants are really just pajamas), pop in a pizza, and spend the night in front of the television. The result is that one ends up feeling a little… shall we say… husky …this time of year. So with spring around the corner, and dare I say it, swimsuit season around the bend, the time has come to get motivated again. And apparently yoga really can help! So get off that couch, roll out your mat, and get your
Read more here: Study suggests overweight people may benefit most from yoga's fat-fighting potential