The chakras are energy centers in our bodies aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
They are thought integrate our physical, emotional and mental nature.
In many traditions they are visualized as lotuses of differing colors with a different number of petals on each chakra.
If you ever wanted to know more about your chakras, take advantage of this
exciting series at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis where
Tanya Boigenzahn will explore one chakra a month.
You will learn about yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, mudra, kriya and more to help get these energy centers balanced and feeling great. You do not need to take the workshops in order.
Each workshop is $30.
2008:March 9: Root Chakra - Get GroundedTBD:
Sacral Chakra - The Pleasure Center September:
Solar Plexus Chakra - Inner Power, Outer StrengthTBD:
Heart Chakra - Spread the Love TBD: Throat Chakra - Speak Your Truth 2009:January: Brow Chakra - Spark Your Intuition February: Crown Chakra - Get Connected
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