Friday, March 21, 2008


Spring is a great time to detoxify and start anew. Here are some resources to get you started:

  • On April 19, local yoga instructor Amy Patee is offering a workshop on yoga breath and cleansing. Join Amy at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis to learn the most potent ways to cleanse the body and maintain optimal health. Amy is extremely knowledgeable about the technical and spiritual aspects of yoga, so this promises to be a great session.
  • Acupuncturist Jennifer Johnson and yoga instructor Jennifer Gray are hosting a 5 day spring detox program, March 31 - April 4, at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis (SLP studio). Participants will reap the benefits of yoga, Chinese medicine, herbs, and whole foods to to help cleanse the body, mind and soul.
  • On May 10, Betsy Ricker will be offering a class at the Minneapolis Yoga Workshop focused on yoga and Ayruveda for spring detoxification. Using the principles of Ayruveda, the workshop will explore various springtime rejuvenation practices, yoga postures, and herbs and food as medicine.

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