Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yoga Happy Hour at TaraNa

Want to start your weekend off right? Join 40+ other yogi(ni)s this Friday at 6pm at local studio TaraNa in Minneapolis' Kingfield neighborhood for Yoga Happy Hour. This monthly event is the owners' way to create community and give something back to their students. Plus, it sounds like a blast! You hit your mat for a 90 minute vinyasa practice and then wine is opened and you can mingle with your fellow yogi(ni)s. I haven't been yet, but apparently it is "the" place to be. Back in January, the Southwest Journal did an article about this event, so you have to arrive early to secure a mat spot. This is just another reason I think that TaraNa is a really cool place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hell, I am up for that. Not this weekend, maybe next?? Ann